Friday, April 8, 2011

What I have been up to lately!

I was introduced to Shelf Reliance and THRIVE Foods about 2 months ago and I got SO excited about it that I decided to try being a consultant. Shelf Reliance has been around for awhile but they just introduced THRIVE foods a year ago. Most of it
is freeze dried and they offer everything from all food groups to desserts and drinks. The food is so good and most of it has a 25 year self life. They have a really neat program call "Q" that helps you set up a customized plan to get a month, 3 month or year supply for your family. It is very affordable and I am so excited to be able to earn extra money and build up my food storage at the same time! If your interested at all let me know and I can get you discounted party pricing or even get you started selling it yourself!!

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