Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Carter

My sad attempt at making cake legos. Oh well, the boys loved it!!

We started off my splitting into 3 groups and I gave each group a Lego
Race Car kit and they raced to put them together! This was the quietest game!

This is Jake's team assembling their race car!

This is Carter's team. They got a little frustrated (probably cause they
had me as a helper) but they eventually got
it figured out.

I made a pull string lego pinata which was way fun, but I think I prefer the
ones you can wack!! These are great for indoors though.

And of course presents! Carter got lots of Legos and he was SO happy about that!

We had 1/2 hour left over with nothing to do and the kids were wild so I
put on an episode of Clone Wars and they were silent and still for the rest
of the time. My party with 13 little 5 & 6 year olds was a success!!!


Liz said...

I think those cakes turned out great!! What an awesome themed party. I can't believe they were quiet for most of the time. That could've been a chaotic party!!

Carolyn Townsend said...

Wow you are brave to have 13 little boys. The cake is super cute. Good job! Very cute and simple theme.

Emily Melander said...

great job karen - if I was there I would have helped you - but it looks like you had it under control - that's really impressive